London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic – Helping one of the best to get better

We were invited to work with the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic, a highly respected, London based, specialist private orthodontic practice, to review their digital marketing activities and to refine their patient sales and engagement processes and to support the introduction of a treatment coordinator.

After meeting with Dr Asif Chatoo, the practice owner, we reviewed, from a patient’s perspective, their marketing activities to identify where improvements could be made. We were able to identify a number of changes to their social media marketing and website and to provide recommendations for the development of their patient engagement activities.

To implement the recommendations, we hosted a workshop with all team members to support the introduction of the practice development strategy and to increase their understanding of the importance of effective patient engagement. We worked with the practice team to increase their skills and confidence in applying their learning from the workshop. We also provided training to the newly appointed treatment coordinator and through ongoing coaching, supported their development in the role.

“I would like to thank you for all the encouragement and guidance you provided the individual team members. I was impressed with the time spent with each member of the team to understand their roles and the current challenges in their duties. You found solutions and provided advice from your personal experiences as a previous patient. I really appreciated the time spent and your attention to convey information that I felt was very specific to the needs of the practice and my team. I look forward to working with you again and welcoming you back to the practice.”

Dr Asif Chatoo - Specialist Orthodontist